Scan Paint
Scandinavian Master Painter
What We Do
- Interior Painting
- Exterior Painting
- Custom Painting
- Faux Finish
- Venetian Plaster
- Wallpaper/Fiberglass
- Color Matching
- Plastering/Patching
- Installing/Painting of Crownmolding and
We are Different
The founder of Scan Paint has
received an extensive education in
Norway. He has graduated from
technical school with a Masters Degree
in Painting, following 15 years of
painting experience in Norway.
If you are looking for a distinguished and reliable, yet reasonalble, painting company, call Scan Paint today!!
You won't regret your decision!
Superior Service
Scan Paint provides superior service and first class professional painting of your home or business.
We are a small company who focuses our attention and efforts on your project from start to finish. Great customer service and long lasting paint jobs is our trademark.
You won't be dissappointed!
License # 946527
Contact us for all your Decorating and Painting needs!
Call Scan Paint today!